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During an M&A transaction, it is critical to understand the nature and significance of the target’s vulnerabilities, the potential scope of the damage that may occur (or that already has occurred) in the event of a breach, and the extent and effectiveness of the controls the target business has put in place to protect itself. An appropriate evaluation of these issues could, quite literally, have a major impact on the value the acquirer places on the target company and on the way it structures the deal.

Bad Rabbit Security can assist an acquirer’s counsel to evaluate the target’s cybersecurity programme and inquire into its probable experience with cyber incidents as well as the target’s overall level of maturity.

Bad Rabbit Security can identify the target’s high-value digital assets and evaluate the relative importance of those assets to the target’s business and consider and evaluate the target’s overall resilience and general ability to withstand a direct cyber-attack on its digital assets.

Bad Rabbit Security can assess the target’s cyber-risk-management efforts as they relate to third parties on which the target depends for goods, services, data, outsourced business functions, and joint business initiatives.

Bad Rabbit Security can identify the target’s prior breaches and assess its incident-response capabilities, as well as assisting to evaluate the status of the target’s cyber security regulatory compliance and cyber security legal obligations.

Mergers & acquisitions (M&A) due diligence: Service
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